Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting Kembala.com, the website for KP Evans Financial. The information contained on Kembala.com is intended for informational purposes only. By visiting and using Kembala.com you agree to the following terms of use:


This site and content, including and not limited to the text and images, are protected by copyright with all rights reserved. It may be used for your personal use (non-commercial) if copyrights remain intact; however Kembala Evans written consent is required prior to any other uses including the duplication, reproduction, and distribution of any site content.

Legal Disclaimer

KP Evans Financial is a financial education and coaching service. The information in the website is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is presented with the understanding that KP Evans Financial is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. (From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and the Committee of Publishers and Associations)


The information contained on Kembala.com is “as-is” without any kind of expressed or implied warranty. Any use you make of the content on this site is at your own risk. KP Evans Financial does not make any warranty for this site, information content, services or products. We make no guarantee for the accuracy or availability of the information on this site. In jurisdictions where this type of warranty exclusion is not permitted by law, this may not apply to you.

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Kembala.com may provide links to other sites and we provide no warranty for other sites. Sites that may be linked to Kembala.com have their own policies. Users may reference their terms of use and privacy policy prior to any use. Furthermore, Kembala.com does not endorse, approve or accept any liability for these types of other sites. Any use you make of the content on this site or other sites linked to this site, is at your own risk.

Terms of Use Subject to Change

These Terms of Use are subject to change at any time. From time to time, we will review our terms of use and may implement changes based on this review. Any updates to the terms of use will be updated on this page. We ask that you periodically review our terms of use to stay abreast of any changes.